lots of vector MODs

From: tom mcclintock <tomm_at_mgcap.com>
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 11:18:22 EST

I've spent a little time compiling and updating some vector MODs. Thanks
to Andy Warren and Matt Rossiter!

Oh, and I've also mirrored and updated the Asteroids Technical
Encyclopedia if anyone needs something out of it (Frank, drop me an
e-mail if you are still around). Andy's colorized Asteroids Deluxe MOD
has been properly formatted (it will actually work now! ;) and there are
some screen shots and pcb images as well.


Also put some information up on how to disable the Tempest pincushion
correction so you can run an Amplifone inside of your Tempest. Anyone
with a Gravitar with a factory-installed Amplifone who wants to detail
any modifications done to the PCB, please feel free :)


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Received on Wed Oct 31 08:28:58 2001

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