The Vector Virgin Here again. With questions of course...

From: <>
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 21:16:04 EST

Hi guys, its the pain in the ass FNG. (For those of you who have never been
in the military, that stands for Fucking New Guy)
Anyway, I got my Star Castle working and ready to start on some more. Sitting
in my shop waiting for me are: Battlezone, 2 Tempest, Omega Race, Sea Wolf
and an Eagle. (Ya, I know, not all are Vector)
Here are my questions for today:
Where can I find out which vector monitors will work with which Vector games?
With the exception of medium or standard resolution rasters, any monitor will
do. (I know you know this... I'm making my point) However, I have noticed on
here yall discussing this monitor for that machine. Are there Vector monitors
that will work with some vector games but not others? If so, I need to know
what can be switched/swapped around.
Question 2 : I have replaced raster monitor CRTs before with tubes from TV
sets. But I have read yall taking about 90 degree, 100 degree (and I doubt it
is the temperature) Will any B&W tube work for B&W monitors. Same with color?
I have one 6100 in a Tempest with a broken tube neck, but the rest of it is
there. Do I need to order a CRT from somewhere? Or will a 19" Color tube work.
Now, I do appreciate it if you answer these questions, but would appreciate
even more if you could tell me where the repository of all of this
information is kept hidden. (You know... give a man a fish & feed him for a
day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life. I have found lots of info
on the web, but none yet on these 2 questions I have asked here. Thanks, Dean

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