Re: G05 issue 1 and issue 5 differences!!?

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 10:05:16 EST

Look at my g05 site. I have schems for different revs of the g05 deflection board. I think it is what you are looking for.


At 02:36 PM 11/13/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>hi all..
>i'm scratching my head here, have a faulty issue 1 G05 pcb, but my other two
>monitors are setup to recieve issue 5 deflections.
>i have a manual for the 801 and 802/5 but the 801 manual is no use of
>course, and the 802/5 only deals with issue 5 boards, and is dated september
>1980. The manual on spies also only covers issue 5 boards, and is dated
>my problem is, the keying is different for connector P500, the issue 5 board
>has a key on pin 5, wheras the issue 1 board has the key on pin 4. all the
>other pins seem to match up to the same purpose, but without an issue 1
>schematic, i can't be sure, and i don't want to fry a good hv/tube just
>hooking this thing up..
>does anyone have an issue 1 manual/schematic/pdf i could borrow/buy ?
>or does anyone else know the quick solution to this?
>many thanks..
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