Re: Quantum OEM monitor

From: <>
Date: Sat Nov 17 2001 - 02:25:22 EST

In a message dated 11/17/2001 1:13:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Did Quantum come stock w/ an Amplifone or WG monitor (or both)? >>

     Amplifone ONLY. HV board would be the early blue, with no stock 5w 50
ohm resistors at the +/- 24v regs.
     I know of no Quantum that had a stock WG; the only person I saw that
"claimed" their Quantum came with a stock WG had a serial # on the monitor
that was more like one from Tempest (I think it was in the 16k range), and
the monitor production date was 10/81; I'd say WAY too early to be stock in a
Quantum. Allthough the schems for Quantum show both the Amplifone and the WG,
I don't think a Quantum ever came with a WG... Perhaps someone actually has
seen one that was actually stock with a WG??? Maybe a prototype?
     While we're on Quantum, can anyone verify that this was the only Vector
game Doug Macreay designed?

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