Where should an isolation transformer go?

From: Lewis Mills <lmills01_at_home.com>
Date: Thu Nov 22 2001 - 11:55:55 EST

I'm replacing the power supply in Sega G80. (It's a Tac/Scan that would
freeze occasionally, and sometimes the controls wouldn't respond. All the
boards and the control panel work fine in another cabinet, so I'm guessing
there's a problem with the power. All the voltages seem to be on the mark,
but I think it makes sense to replace it with a switcher anyway; might
reduce the monitor fire risk.) Rather than try to rebuild it, or use parts
of it, I'm going to start all over.

My question is, should the isolation transformer come before or after the
90VCT transformer for the monitor? Or does it matter?

The old supply is up for grabs (free, but you pay shipping on heavy pieces);
Tom McClintock, you have dibs on the transformer if you still want it.

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