Re: Where should an isolation transformer go?

From: Lewis Mills <>
Date: Thu Nov 22 2001 - 22:08:09 EST

Hi Jason,
Thanks! I've got a some 90VCT toroidal transformers colllecting dust, so I
thought I might as well put one to use.

I hadn't thought of using +5DC for the AC; I'd planned to supply it from a
separate transformer. Where does that AC voltage go anyway? It doesn't seem
to show up on any of the boards - is it for lights or coin mechs?

----- Original Message -----
From: "jason Milsom" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Where should an isolation transformer go?

> Lewis. You should not need to install an isolation transformer. Leave
> the stock sega transformer in place to supply power for the monitor (90
> VCT). You can connect the switcher to one of the leads for the cooling
> fans (to the card cage for example). Replacing the power supply is a
> good idea even in a game that has an original working supply, But note
> that not many video game specific supplies provide the -12V the sega
> vectors require. In the past I've used old PC switching supplies with
> great success. Also note you should tie the white wire (3VAC) going to
> the original PS to +5VDC on the new supply.
> Jason Milsom
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