Re: Sega XY boards

From: Daniel Piraino <>
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 18:42:59 EST

 I am looking for a sega Star Trek board set. I am getting a cockpit
project and I need the full set with cage. Would love a working set if
available. Also could use the power supply and the wiring harness and
controls. I will take an upright harness if available and just modify it
to work in the cockpit.
Let me know,
Dan Piraino

Mark Jenison wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've got boxes of bad Sega XY boards: CPUs, XY Timing and XY Control
>boards. Most have been tested as bad and nothing else has been done
>beyond that. I thought maybe someone with more time and technical
>skills would be interested in buying these for either repair or parts
>As far as parts value, the XY control board comes with a pair of socketed
>AD561 dacs (used in Asteroids) and a pair of amps (TL082 or something like
>that), and a 2708 EPROM. The XY timing board comes with 8 2114 rams
>socketed. The CPU comes with a Z80, a 2716 EPROM, and 4 2114 RAMs
>socketed. Of course, I'd be willing to accept offers significantly lower
>than their parts value since these boards tested as bad.
>Anyway, I sure as heck don't need all these, and I'd hate to just throw
>them out, so I thought maybe someone out there might be interested in
>them for either repair or parts purposes. If interested in repair, I
>could throw in some other broken boards so you could make a whole Tac/Scan
>set if you wanted.
>Contact me if interested.

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