Atari B&W: no HV

From: Anthony Ramos <>
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 01:41:27 EST

Hi again everyone,

Awhile back I asked for help diagnosing my Battlezone cabaret's monitor. It
has yoke chatter and neck glow, but gone no picture, charge on the tube
face, or hissing/whistling sound that used to come from the HV cage.

A couple of people suspected the HV diode. I'd order a replacement, but at
$15 each, I'd like make sure I need one.

Is there any way for me to test this diode? I don't have any known-good HV
cages to put it in.

Besides, I thought that a bad diode caused screen *bloom*, not total picture
loss. Shouldn't the transformer still be hissing/whistling?

I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thank you...

-Anthony R.

Anthony Ramos________
600 SE 39th Ave., # 3  \__ ..
Portland, OR 97214      \___ information design .. multimedia production
(503) 236-6303           \____________interactive art .. image synthesis
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