Re: Dead Asteroids

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 10:28:54 EST

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Phil Morris wrote:

> When powering on the machine the monitor emits a fairly high pitched
> squeal, there is no display, also the player one button stays lit. If I
> disconnect the monitor then the player one button stays lit and pressing
> it doesn't achieve anything.

Have you checked that the machine isn't in test mode ? In test mode there
would be a cross-hatch pattern on the screen, and I think start is lit. I
can't remember what the button test does, possibly you should hear tones
when you hit the buttons.

Any chance your have or can borrow a dual-channel o-scope with an XY mode ?
That's the easiest replacement for a vector monitor for testing.

I wouldn't power up that monitor until you are sure you have the board

Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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