Re: Dead Asteroids

From: Teaganm <>
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 10:52:36 EST

I've seen this before on Atari raster games as "big blue" failure. Does
the Asteroids power transformer use the same big blue? If it does, I'd
look there. If you have a scope you can hang it on the 5vdc line. As you
load it down you'll see notching, droping your overall voltage.

BTW does anyone have a spare Asteroids transformer assembly for sale? My
Asteroids is missing it.

--- wrote:
> I am looking at 2 Asteroids Deluxe right now. One has an AR board, the
> other
> an AR II. Since neither are working, I can't say this or that works.
> Yall
> were right. My AR board did put out 5.3, until it had a load, then it
> went to
> 2.4. However, I tested all of the components, and all check OK. (That is
> if
> they can accurately be checked in circuit) Guess it's time to email Bob
> Roberts. Dean
> Question??? Can I sub a switcher just to see if it works with the right
> power?

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