Tube replacements

From: Joe Bachmann <>
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 21:29:06 EST

With Amplifone, Electrohome, and Wells Gardner X-Y monitors becoming less and
less available, it may not be a bad idea to explore other replacement tubes.
Boards tend to be had in operator warehouses/etc, but no the tube.

Does anyone know what tubes can be used to replace X-Y tubes?

Amplifone - Richardson replacement tubes, but what else?
Wells Gardner Color - same as above, but what else?
B&W vectors??

What I am aking is what standard TV or other tubes could be used. Even if
pinouts were slightly different, a harness could easily be adapted.

With as many TVs as are out there, if we could find some tubes that did work,
things may become a whole lot easier to find.


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