Lunar Lander wiring harness info

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 16:30:15 EST

As I may soon be re-building the main connector to the game board on my
Lunar Lander wiring harness, I thought it would be useful to write down the
colours of all the wires and their pin locations (I couldn't find anything
like this documented on the web, but sod's law says someone will point me
at some now! :)

Anyway, after going to the effort of writing down which wire goes where in
the connector, I thought it would be worth typing it up so others can use it.

It's available here:

I've made it available in Rich Text Format (RTF) just because it's clearer
to read than plain ASCII text (IMHO), but if anyone would like it in plain
text please let me know.

Now some caveats:

- My Lunar Lander has been converted to run Asteroids on a hacked Lunar
Lander board. However, the only parts of the wiring harness that have been
modified are seemingly those related to the control panel (and these have
been modified on the control panel's harness), so I see no reason think
that the cables at the main connector aren't the same as in the original

- I've only put on a 'description' of where the wire goes if there is more
than one wire the same colour

- I am of course assuming that ALL Lunar Landers used the same wiring
colours! Did they?

If anyone can think of anything to add, spots any mistakes, etc then please
let me know.

I hope it's of use to someone.


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Received on Tue Jan 8 13:53:31 2002

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