At 23:28 12/01/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>If The HV cage cover is off, you can cause this symptom.
It's definitely on.
>Also, the caps at location C86 and C87 on the game PCB may need changing
>(electrolytic 470uf 35v axial) I had a board that played, but looked like
>'lightening' around the vectors, these 2 caps were broken off completely.
I'll check them out, thanks (had intended to re-cap the board anyway so am
ordering the parts next week).
>I would also make sure the contacts in the connectors are clean, a bad
>ground could possibly cause this also :)
I'll check the contacts again - I've already cleaned them once, but you
never know, I may have missed one. :)
>Along with interference from other nearby electrical devices...
Maybe slightly trickier to diagnose, but I can but try. :)
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