Re: Sparking sound from monitor - was: Asteroids and 'wiggly' diagonal lines

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Sun Jan 13 2002 - 10:12:07 EST

>have you dusted the monitor tube thoroughly, and made sure the anode cap is
>in tightly and isn't all rusted? the 'clicking' or sparking can be caused by
>the HV try to arc to somewhere other than the inside of the tube, using the
>easiest route, along conductive dust and dirt..

Have now tried that and it still happens I'm afraid. Have also re-capped
the EHV and re-soldered all connections in the EHV with no joy.

My main concern is that shortly (or over a period of time) some damage
could be caused or that it's indicative of a component failing which may
well take out other components (or worse!) when it finally goes.

The sparking isn't particularly loud (you can't hear it with the back of
the cabinet in place).

It's definitely not there when the monitor is cold and only starts
intermittently after maybe 15 minutes and then gets more regular and
*slightly* louder as the monitor continues to warm up.


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