nice FAQ...
might want to mention HOEI vector monitors used in HOEI bootlegs of star
castle and asteroids...
as well as Alca's bootleg of asteroids 'planet' used a HOEI..
As well as Elettronolo star castle bootleg (Stellar Castle) using a Hantarex
vector monitor...
Along with the Italian-Atari built machines, battlezone and asteroids, also
using hantarex vector monitors :)
The ATEI is a trade show on in a few days in Earls Court, London, i will try
and hassle Hantarex for some documentation while i'm there... i remember
last year, or the year before, nobody had any knowledge of ever making
them... i have one in my 'Stellar Castle' machine thaqt is misbehaving, and
it'd be nice to attack it with the right docs :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "tom mcclintock" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 12:35 AM
Subject: VECTOR: G05/V2000 FAQ draft
> Hey Guys,
> I finally slapped this thing together and thought I would post it for
> some third party review and comments. As I state in the introduction,
> very little - if any - of the information is mine. I'm simply putting it
> together because (a) I need to fix some monitors, and (b) I thought it
> couldn't hurt.
> So, download and let me know what needs to change or be added. BTW, I am
> in specific need of the following:
> Hi-res scans from Star Tech Journal (or the original field documents):
> Quadrascan Monitor Repair Part 1 - March 1980 p. 8,9
> Quadrascan Monitor Repair Part 1 - April 1980 p. 3,4,5
> Midway's X-Y Monitor Troubleshooting Tips (continued) - May 1982 p. 7
> Cap Kit list for Electrohome G05-801
> Cap Kit for WG V2000
> Cap Kit upgrade suggestions for all monitors
> Thanks,
> tom
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Received on Sat Jan 19 11:25:24 2002
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