Re: Asteroids Deluxe problems

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 11:11:10 EST

Atari games are notorious for having the edge connector fail for the power
connections...take a look at the pins on that connector and see if they
look overheated. Check for good +5VDC on the logic board...

John :-#)#

At 02:08 PM 23/01/2002 -0600, Mit Matelske wrote:

>I have an Asteroids Deluxe that plays me a symphony of
>RAM errors when it boots up, then the self test picture
>comes up fine. The you can play it. I gets worse as
>it heats up (and yes I will take a can of freeze spray
>to it after I go buy some) by re-entering the RAM error
>mode and then return to play/self test.
>Any ideas?
>Thanks in advance,
>Mit Matelske (been outta the game to long)
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