Re: Copying Asteroids ROM 035127

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 09:35:21 EST

I haven't checked the current zip floating around with Asteroids roms, but I'm fairly certain they still don't have the rev 1 roms in it. What they have listed as rev 1 roms are actually the rev 2 roms (notice the -2 in the name). I dumped the original rev 1 roms (all roms have -1) a while back and sent them to a few people, but I don't think they ever made it into the rom zip. Anyway, I can track these down and send them to you to compare to if you'd like.


At 11:16 PM 2/2/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm puzzled. As I seem to have a somewhat 'unusual' ROM set in my rev 02 Asteroids board (only two of the checksums match up with the revision 1 software, the other two checksums don't match up with rev 1 OR 2!), I thought I'd make copies of them just in case the originals ever die on me (rev 2 software as downloaded from the 'net works, but one object always has a long diagonal line emanating from it).

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