Hello all,
I've just noticed some strange problems that seem to have started to occur on my Tempest Multigame and hoped someone could tell me if that is normal or not...
First, none of the normal Tempest games (rev 1,2,or3) save the high scores anymore. No more 'fireworks' display when a high score is set - even when it is the first game played since turning the game on. After the game is complete, your score that is displayed in the upper left hand corner is returned back to zero. However, Vortex does display the 'fireworks' screen and save it's score like I would expect the others to do. What's going on here? Is it a matter of a switch setting somewhere, or something deeper?
Second, at the main menu screen where you pick which game you want to play - my menu now seems to be displaying the 'setup' message to pick a startup game with the superzapper. I don't seem to remember it ever displaying that message before. Is that message suppost to be displayed during 'normal' game play?
Any info would be appreciated. Thx for reading,
Tom Cloud
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