RE: 6100 LV issues

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 14:23:56 EST

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, LOUIS SRIANOMAI wrote:

> Okay,
> So the question is, should I wait for my original LV section to fail or should
> I go ahead and retrofit the LV2000 even though things are running fine now.
> The old addage, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

My take on the LV2000 (or any other LV replacement):

I would say that if you have a working 6100 right now, and it's happy
under home use, don't bother. Many 6100 are reliable under this

However, some 6100 just are fussy and will not stay happy even after a
proper rebuild. For these, I would definitely recommend the LV2000 as the
ultimate bandaid.

I had a Star Wars with an WG6100 that worked just fine, and when the
LV2000 first came out, I bought one and installed it in the Star Wars
monitor. The Star Wars monitor works fine, but installing it effected the
special effects of the Death Star explosion.

Mark Jenison
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Received on Fri Feb 8 11:26:19 2002

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