I have one and would be happy to lend it for this purpose. I appreciate
preservationists like your self.
----- Original Message -----
From: "TomWiz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 1:34 PM
Subject: VECTOR: WTD: For Duplication, Asteroids Bezel
> Gang,
> I've been working with my printer and they are trying to
> layout the
> asteroids monitor bezel for me. I've sent them clean redrawn art,
> but they
> would like to have one on had for the die-cutting and to see the
> folds etc.
> Is there any kind sole that can send me one (I'll be happy to
> pay, priority mail
> postage to get it asap). In return, I'll give you a feebee with
> an overlay as well
> as the one sent to me.
> Any condition will work as they will have to take it apart at the
> glue joints to make
> the die tracing..
> Thanks
> TomW
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Received on Mon Feb 11 12:56:46 2002
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