RE: VSM troubleshooting, Asteroids

From: TomWiz <>
Date: Tue Feb 12 2002 - 15:07:25 EST

The fluke 9010 Asteroids test script that I wrote put up a medium
+ screen using only
the VSM (No CPU) it loaded the vsm directly and initiated a go. I
use it all the time working on vsm's, maybe someone could expand
it. I believe John Robertson had it posted in with his 9010 test
procedure zip. If not, I might have it here at work somewhere..


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Kev
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: VSM troubleshooting, Asteroids
> Yes I'm hoping not to need to duplicate the efforts of
> someone else (plus
> I'm not real anxious to learn VSM programming).
> I had envisioned a script that I could run from a
> 9010A (and that could be
> stuck into a ROM format after perfected).
> Problem as I see it is most of the VSM data is sent to
> the DACs and that is
> the point where you would start troubleshooting back
> from, if you had a
> "signature" or data pattern of some sort.
> I was hoping it was possible to start some sort of
> counter loop that would
> count 0-1024 repeatedly. (and be useful)
> Thanks,
> Kev
> > At one point I was convinced it would be possible to
> program a test rom
> set that would exercise the VSM and even give pointers
> to where the problem
> might be, but I never got around to trying to code
> anything. It is a bitch
> to troubleshoot as it is now and requires quite a bit
> of luck :(
> >
> > Jon
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