Has anyone used a 19VATP22 in an Amplifone monitor??

From: <MKDUD_at_aol.com>
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 00:18:44 EST


I'm running into a bit of trouble using a 19VATP22 tube for an Amplifone
monitor, and wondered if anyone could help. The physical size of the neck
seems to be about 3/16 too wide (in diameter) for the Amplifone yoke (from
Rauland M48AAW00X) to fit on, and the pins for the neck connector seem to be
about 1/4" further out in diameter than on the Rauland tube. Has anyone used
a 19VATP22 for Amplifone replacment? I can't see how you would get the yoke
to go on, and the pin diameter really has me baffled. Please help if you can.

Thank You,
Michael Kelley
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Received on Tue Feb 12 21:22:55 2002

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