Battlezone sound problems

From: Anthony Ramos <>
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 13:01:12 EST

I've got a sound problem with my Battlezone, I hope someone can
help me pinpoint.

For awhile now, the sound has been "scratchy" when you first
start a game. The scratchiness settles down after a few seconds,
but never entirely goes away. I started a game tonight, and the
sound was scratchy for a second or two, then went away entirely.

Since I couldn't hear any sounds at all, I skipped
troubleshooting the individual sounds and went right to the
parts that affect all sounds. Swapping in a known good ARII
didn't change anything, so I turned to the Math Box board.

I first suspected the LM324s. But, not having any spare parts, I
could only swap them. This had no effect either, but I believe
that, considering how they're used, if only one was bad,
switching should have made a difference.

Now I think it's the 4066 at L4, an analog switch that turns all
sounds on and off. How can I test it? Does anyone have any
spares I could trade for?

Anthony R.

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