A lot of times the parts list in the owners manual will do that. I
don't know if the Asteroids manual does that or not.
Phil Morris wrote:
> Before I reinvent the wheel, does there exist a cross reference list of at
> least all the ICs on an Asteroids board against where they are in the
> circuit? For example,
> A9 .......... Vector Timer
> K7 .......... Vector Generator Memory Data Latches
> Etc.
> Of course, the schematics will normally reveal the locations of any
> components, BUT it is time consuming just trying to track down one
> component. At least with a cross reference list you can immediately go to
> the relevant part of the schematics and so maybe even understand a little
> more of the circuitry in the process.
> No doubt some on this list know where each and every component is off by
> heart which aids them when fixing a fault on a board, but some of us are
> still acquiring that knowledge. :)
> Phil
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