> I've done a few on the G-08s.
Ah, this is good to know. So even though it is a very tedious process,
it can be done, eh?
> Do your best to get it with just the yoke and convergence rings, then
> start adding the magnetic paper strips to fix the worst areas. Those are
> a must have. (reads email...yeah, like John says)
Hmm... I know this tape of which you speak. Strips of it are plastered
all over the backs of the tubes. Any ideas where to purchase more?
It seems like it's only in a couple areas on the screen, like in the
radar scope section of Star Trek... the little diamond shaped guys appear
as one red and one blue diamond, instead of one (I assume) purple diamond.
The alignment looks fine while displaying the SEGA and STAR TREK logos
during the attract mode.
Thanks John and Mark.
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Received on Tue Feb 19 07:58:05 2002
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