I can get it to show a
> line from left to right across the screen (this is a Tempest). Im not
> interested in the LV2000 kit, I want to see this thing work as it
> should.
Well, GET interested in the LV2000 kit, and THEN the thing WILL work as it
should. Eventually, at least. You'll be glad you did later.
Sounds like something upstream from the deflection transistors has opened
up. This could be a small-signal transistor, a resistor or two, perhaps a
diode. Check everything. When semiconductors short, they often take other
components with them.
One hint: If all you've got is a multimeter, take resistance readings. The
deflection board is, for all intents and purposes, a stereo amplifier.
Being a dual-channel unit, you can compare readings from one component
against that from the same component in the other channel. If there's a
dramatic difference, there's a clue.
Avoid spikes, defend cities!
Matt J. McCullar
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Received on Sun Feb 24 19:21:16 2002
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