RE: SG1495/MC1495L used in Tempest...

From: Mills, Lewis <>
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 10:15:41 EST

FWIW, Clay lists them for $7.50, and Bob Roberts lists them for $10. I
haven't asked to see if either has stock. Newark lists them (no stock) for
$2 but requires a minimum of 500. Avnet/Marshall also has a minimum of 500,
and no stock, but lists a price of $1.27 for the MC1495P and $1.70 for the
MC1495BP. They also show a surface-mount version (MC1495DR2) with no
minimum, but no stock.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 7:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: VECTOR: SG1495/MC1495L used in Tempest...
> Hmmmm... It looks like they're no longer stocked.
> Someone must have bought them all up. No fear, we'll
> probably see them on Ebay soon for $20.00 each.
> Dave
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Received on Thu Feb 28 07:17:30 2002

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