Sundance? pcb description

From: <>
Date: Sat Mar 02 2002 - 17:04:37 EST

Hello everyone,

The board described in the thread : "Is this Tailgunner?", arrived today.
I know there were a few interested in a brief desciption of the pcb's.

The main logic pcb is standard Cinematronics with a few extra surface wire
The sound board is marked Cinematronics AW203200
The PROM board is marked Vectorbeam with the following
proms: 203A-1,203A-2,203B-1,203B-2,203C-1,203C-2,203D-1 &203D-2

As Zonn, and Keith mentioned in the previous thread, it appears that
used the Vectorbeam ROM boards once they bought out Vectorbeam.

The Vectorbeam SpeedFreak manual mentions this same board:
    The PROM board is a temporary board which contains all the program
    memory for the logic board in programmable read only memory devices.
    Eventually Vectorbeam will be as thoroughly satisfied with the program as
    are and generate a pair of proprietary ROM's which will fit into their
    sockets presently located on the logic board. page 3-12

Not sure if they ever did do this on either game?

I plan to take a few non-digital photos, which i can send to Tom for his

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