----- Original Message -----
From: "tom mcclintock" <tomm@mgcap.com>
To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: For General Review: Electrohome G08 FAQ
> Mark,
> I have a couple of questions about the G08. :)
> First, the G08-003 deflection board rectifier diodes at D400, D401,
> D402, and D403.
> Should these be upgraded to a higher voltage or amp spec, or both? I
> believe it is suggested the comparable rectifier diodes in the WG6100
> are to be upgraded.
I personally haven't seen these fail, and don't have the specs of the diodes
on hand. I wouldn't bother "upgrading".
> Are there any other 'obvious' replacement parts for the deflection or HV
> board?
Just have MPSU10 and MPSU60 on hand.
> Second question relates to the large 20W resistors (R635; R735) on the
> deflection board. Can I assume there are usually two 1.5 Ohm resistors
> tied together in series in a "teepee" fashion to provide greater cooling
> surface area? Is there a more elegant or 'better' solution?
I don't know if the 1.5 Ohm resistors was just because of a parts shortage,
or what. I have seen the 3ohm resistor versions; there is usually that
"glue" between them. I will say that I've seen the 3ohm resistor versions
crack from heat, but I've never seen the 1.5Ohm teepee fail that way.
Considering the parts layout probably assumed a 3ohm resistor version, and
then the 3ohm resistors cracking, I guess one could speculate they decided
that the 3ohm resistors weren't working out so they tried the 1.5ohm in
series to separate them a bit.
> I think those were the only things that came to mind.
Sorry I don't have better answers; I'm pretty much tapped out of G08
-- Mark Jenison --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to neil@synthcom.com.Received on Mon Mar 4 20:15:06 2002
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