Re: Vector ROMs - strange copying problem

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 10:57:38 EST

Eproms have speed issues. This has turned up before...your re-cycled 2716's
may be slowing down with age. I find about 10% of my old stock is not up
to speed...

John -#)#

At 10:15 AM 06/03/2002 +0000, Phil Morris wrote:
>Now THIS is extremely strange ..............
>Regarding the two 2716 EPROMs (positions N/P3 and R3) on one of my Lunar
>Lander boards - I can easily make a copy of these (both are HN462716's)
>and put the copies into the correct locations on the board, fire up the
>game and all works just fine and dandy. Nice display, etc. However, if I
>then put the game into test mode, the display is blank although the test
>runs just fine (you can hear the four levels of the thrust sound, see the
>LEDs blink as they should, etc).
>If I put back the original EPROMs then both the game AND the test mode
>displays just fine.
>Why on earth should I get a blank screen in test mode with these two
>copied EPROMs?
>I've made various copies onto different makes and speeds of EPROMs but to
>no avail. I've tried downloading copies off the Internet and blowing them,
>but same problem - game mode is fine, test mode has a blank screen but
>*is* working.
>I'm certain that my EPROM programmer is copying okay as evidenced by the
>fact that I've copied numerous other EPROMs with it over the past few
>weeks with no problems whatsoever, and can still copy others for other
>applications which work just fine.
>Is this a speed issue with the EPROMs, or something more subtle?
>Can anyone make any suggestions please?
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