Re: Vector ROMs - strange copying problem

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 12:39:54 EST

> >Eproms have speed issues. This has turned up before...your re-cycled
> >2716's may be slowing down with age. I find about 10% of my old stock
> >is not up to speed...
> That certainly sounds feasible.
> Assuming I could find some EPROMs that were running at their *stated*
> speed, what are the *slowest acceptable* EPROMs I could use for the Lunar
> Lander vector code? 400ns? 500ns?

Buy some 2732s and use them instead. At least you can get them new now.
300ns or faster should be fine.


Neil Bradley Whoever said "Money can't buy happiness" didn't have
Synthcom Systems, Inc. a lot of money.
ICQ #29402898

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