Re: A quick tempest question

From: Jonathan Koolpe <>
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 15:03:29 EST

>Hey guys,
>I slapped a Tempest board into a machine on sunday and it came up with the
>ability to start the game at any level (all the way up into the yellow
>Having been a Tempest owner for many years I wondered that if this is just a
>dip switch setting why I hadn't set it up like this before. I haven't been
>keeping up with all the Tempest ROM versions out there soooooo... my
>question is....
>Is this a common thing?

Hey a question I can answer:)!

You're board is probably in demo mode, and yes, it is a dipswitch
setting. In this mode, you can start wherever you like without
earning it, but the machine will not keep track of high scores (no
"fireworks" screen when you get a high score, either).

You can also test this by hitting the player one and two start button
while playing a game. Doing so should rocket you through whatever
level you're on regardless of how many enemies are remaining. I
can't recall offhand if you have to hit both buttons simultaneously,
or just one or the other...I'm sure someone else on the list can
answer this definitively.

I recently got a ROM upgrade (thanks, Tom!:)) that allows me to start
on any level in non-demo mode so the machine still keeps track of my
high scores (with the "fireworks" screen).


Jonathan Koolpe
Staff Research Associate
University of California, San Francisco
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Tel: (415) 476-9371   Fax:  (415) 476-8201
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