Finally, I have something to contribute to the vector hobby. I have a box
full of these gears - all NOS. Now before you fire off an email saying
you'll buy them all, let me say that I do not know how many I have as they
are in storage. Strictly guessing I'd say about 20 sets and some change.
To be fair, I'll give preference to buyers in this order:
1.) single set
2.) multiple sets
3.) single gear
I'll get them tomorrow and let everyone know what is available. And for the
price... ah the price...
I think $10.00 for a set or $5.00 for each single gear is in order. Add
$3.20 for Priority Mail regardless of quantity. And please don't complain
about the price or I'll put 'em greEdBAY one...
Just kidding! I figure 20 sets at $10 will pay for a Wintron HVT for the
cockpit I just got last weekend. Unless someone just wants to donate one to
me :)
Also available is controller handles. Let's say $15.00 for each side plus
actual shipping. Once again, I don't know how many yet, but I'd guess about
5 of each side. And each side is both halves.
Please email your requests to me at
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