I just clicked on it (with Netscape) right out of your reply message
and it took me right there.
I e-mailed him yesterday and he told me that the project was put on
hold due to a problem finding a suitable material to print the overlay
on. He has a perfect NOS overlay to scan in for the master.
I think I found the link to his page through arcaderestoration.com under
the links section for restoration of specific games.
On 2002.03.13 16:19 Eric gutierrez wrote:
> Is that URL correct? i get an error cant display link
>> From: "Gregory S . Erway" <gerway@redcom.com>
>> Reply-To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
>> To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
>> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Star Wars control panel overlay
>> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 15:18:57 -0500
>> http://www.atomicconcepts.com/starwars/art.html
>> This might be your only hope then. Come to think of it I might be interested
>> in one too. This link goes to a persons website who is working on
>> reproducing these. He estimates $45 which doesn't sound bad. It doesn't
>> sound like it will include the yoke overlay however.
>> Greg
>> On 2002.03.13 14:50 Eric gutierrez wrote:
>>> I checked out arcadeshop.com and they only have the decal for the flight
>>> yoke =(
>>>> From: "Gregory S . Erway" <gerway@redcom.com>
>>>> Reply-To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
>>>> To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
>>>> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Star Wars control panel overlay
>>>> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:54:55 -0500
>>>> I have a cockpit. I also have a spare UR control panel that was
>>>> given to me by a friend. Visually they look the same to me. I
>>>> never tried to put the spare on because the large white gear
>>>> on the main shaft behind the control panel is broken in half.
>>>> (anyone know a source for these?)
>>>> But it looks like it just is oriented on a different angle then
>>>> the upright to accomidate the seated position. I could be wrong
>>>> though. The center control yoke overlay looks the same for
>>>> sure.
>>>> I would assume arcadeshop.com could do the UR ones. You have me
>>>> wondering on the cockpit ones now. I can test it if you would like.
>>>> Greg
>>>> On 2002.03.13 13:24 "Bachmann, Joe C" wrote:
>>>>>> As far as that goes,
>>>>>> Does anyone know where to get an overlay for the Cockpit?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Eric gutierrez [mailto:revrendmaynard462@hotmail.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:37 AM
>>>>>> To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
>>>>>> Subject: VECTOR: Star Wars control panel overlay
>>>>>> Does anyone know of where i can get original or repro overlay for star
>>>>>> wars?
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