Hi all,
Well, I put my hackers hat on last night and added Eliminator 4-player
proto roms into MAME. Needed to modify a few c files to add it in.
There seems to be two main differences to the game.
1) Demo mode, where they are showing the different ships and the scoring
for each is different. Normally, the player ship comes out, and as the
ships are introduced, it shoots each, then their score appears.
In the proto version, the ships come out in basically the same way,
but no shooting is involved. The players ship comes out, goes to the
middle, and spins around a bit, but does not fire. The opponent ship and
drone ships come out, and bounce off the walls a few times, then stop and
their score is displayed. The Eliminator comes out, and just comes to a
halt, and it's score is displayed.
The rest of the demo is the same.
2) The Eliminator seems a little less aggressive (but just
Normally, if a ship is sitting in a corner, the Eliminator will
fireball it to death a few times, then crash into it finally.
Last night, I saw this trick happen a few times: the Eliminator would go
to a ship sitting in the corner, fireball, but then begin turning
away. However, the new ship would appear and of course the Eliminator and
it would be attracted to it immediately, but since it had already made
a partial turn, it could not fireball it, so it tries to ram
it. Unfortunately, it's turning radius is not so good, so it ends up
turning, bouncing into the wall, which deflects the Eliminator 180
degrees, so then it tries turning again the other way, but bounces into
the wall, rotates, tries turning, etc...it gets stuck bouncing in a low
orbit around the poor guy in the corner while the rest of the players fly
around without worry.
Anyway, I'll get a better feel of how much different it is when I burn a
set for my dedicated. Just what I needed, another version of Eliminator
around the house ;-)
-- Mark Jenison --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to neil@synthcom.com.Received on Thu Mar 14 07:39:42 2002
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