What monitor is in an original Japanese Taito Asteroids cocktail?

From: Marc Alexander <marcwolf123_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun Mar 31 2002 - 06:29:48 EST

I have recently got a Taito Asteroids cocktail (original japanese one)
that has had an Atari Asteroids Deluxe board put in it.

I can hardly get to it (would have to pull the tube out), but does anybody
know what this 14" B&W vector monitor may be?

It has two finned heatsinks with one STK 'darlington power pack' module on each,
HV transformer in a cage, Hitachi tube... It's not the Australian LAI japanese made
one that was used on Battlezones, etc here.
Fortunately it works great so far.

Here are some pics from sticking the digital camera inside :)


Thanks (and Happy Easter!),


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Received on Sun Mar 31 03:34:51 2002

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