From: <vernimark_at_inwind.it>
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 04:49:39 EDT

I've an Hantarex XY color monitor (I know, very rare!!), but I don't have idea which voltage it needs to work properly. The power connector arrives to a diodes bridge and then to two big capacitors (10,000 microfarad, 80 volts). With 36VAC it seems to work, but objects moves on the screen (they wave) and the vectors are not so brillants. With 50 VAC image is fix with good colors, but in the transitory period a lot of fuses breaks! Could someone help me? In italy is very very difficult to find other vector monitor so i'd like to repair this one. Obv. no manuals are available...

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Received on Fri May 3 01:56:02 2002

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