Re: lowest price on H1812 or cross?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 20:30:34 EDT

A day or two will probably discharge the tube. If you wish to do it a bit
faster, get ten 1 meg 1/4 watt resistors and connect them in series and
close together end to end. Then seal with heatshrink tubing and connect a
wire to one end. Connect the wire to the metal chassis of the monitor and
the other end of the string resistor is jumpered to the metal blade of an
insulated screwdriver and the blade is slid under the rubber cup to
discharge the tube...

Or you could wait a day...

John :-#)#

At 04:31 PM 06/05/2002 -0700, Anthony Ramos wrote:

>I will try re-capping before spending on an HV diode. Thanks for the tip!
>Oh, if I can't short the anode to ground, and I don't have an HV meter,
>how can I bleed off the HV? Can I just leave it turned off for a day or two?
>-Anthony R.
>John Robertson wrote:
>>Even if the HC diode was shorted it would not blow the fuse...the problem
>>is elsewhere. Have you recapped the HV unit? Use high frequency caps here
>>- available from Digi-key.
>>John :-#)#
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