Re: Asteroids -05/-06 PCB counter (74161) option?

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 17:56:07 EDT

>Also, which way do the ROMs swap for those later boards (i.e where should
>035145 go for -01..-04 as opposed to -05 and -06?

For revision 4 (and earlier) boards the program ROM socket locations are as

035143 ..... C1
035144 ..... D/E1
035145 ..... F1

For revision 5 boards and above, 035143 and 035145 are swapped (035144
stays in the same place, ie in the middle).

So the ordering is as follows:

035145 .....E/F2
035144 ..... H2
035143 ..... J2

Sheet 1, Side B of the Asteroids schematics that I've downloaded from the
'net lists all these, BUT ....... it gets the locations of the program ROMs
of the rev 5 (and later boards) wrong!


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