Breaking into a Star Wars cabinet

From: Rod Spade <>
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 23:01:38 EDT

I recently acquired a nice Star Wars upright, but I have only the key
for the front door with the coin mechs. I have neither the coin box key
nor the rear panel key.

I tried picking the rear lock with a screwdriver and paper clip (that
actually worked for me once with a Ms Pac-Man), but was unsuccessful. I
think I might be able to slide out the main rear panel if I unbolt and
remove the upper or lower rear panels. (I think the upper panel might
be glued to the top of the game, so I guess the lower panel is the one
to try.) These are attached with bolts that look like you would use an
Allan wrench, but the holes are square rather than hexagonal. I tried
some hexagonal wrenches and removed a bolt that was already loose, but
the others didn't budge.

Is there some special tool that I need for this? Is it readily
available at a general hardware store?

Alternately, I could physically break into it. Is there an easy way to
break the sort of lock used on rear panels? I'd much rather break the
lock than damage the wood.

Once I get in the rear, can I easily access the inside of the coin box
door so I can remove it's lock, or will I have to break in the front

Thanks for any tips you can give me.

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