On Tue, 2 Jul 2002 14:35:37 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
>I'm about to receive a monitor out of a Space Duel machine (can anyone
>tell me what it is or is supposed to be)
SPACE DUEL uses the Wells-Gardner 19K6100 "Quadrascan" monitor.
>and I'd like to run it
>standalone, without the game's power supply. Any ideas what I need in
>terms of voltages? Is it just the standard 120 (in the US anyway) volts or
>is it more complex than that?
According to the manual, it needs 50VAC, supplied as 25-0-25VAC RMS
from a center-tapped transformer into pins 13-14-15, respectively.
"For the children" - the phrase politicians use to justify a course of action
so irrational it cannot be justified in any other way.
solarfox@DON'TMESSWITHtexas.net (Gary Akins jr.)
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