Re: Another reason to build an X/Y monitor(s)

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Wed Jul 03 2002 - 02:34:29 EDT

> > Not designed for Windows - DOS drivers will be provided. Besides, who
> > needs Windows to run a vector monitor? ;-)
> Actually, the board itself does not; but the program I am using to
> drive it does! Any program can drive it that can put pixels on the
> screen....and has to support 24/32 bit mode for tech reasons (DOS may
> work in 256 mode)...oh, and you also can only use ONE type of video
> card for some reason?!

I'm totally confused by this paragraph. Perhaps a bit of perspective is
needed, here.

The ZVG connects to your PC's parallel port. It will require that your
parallel port be doing DMA if you want a consistent image. I'm sure you
can bit bang the parallel port (or is that byte bang) and fake DMA
transactions, but without a steady stream you'll have drops in your vector
displayed image.

So it has nothing to do with the video card you're using. DOS Works fine
ala VESA in a bunch of different modes, and your regular VGA video card
will coexist just fine with the ZVG.

We just don't plan on doing Windows drivers for it. However, the source
will be available and you can feel free to write one. We are contemplating
doing a FreeBSD driver for it...


Neil Bradley What are burger lovers saying
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