Re: supplying power to a color vector monitor

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Wed Jul 03 2002 - 12:51:41 EDT

Jon Raiford wrote:
> At 02:34 AM 7/3/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >I did some snooping around and Allied Electronics has some that would
> >work:
> > Hammond 266M48 (Allied 836-2070) $35.89, 144 VA rating
> > Hammond 266N48 (Allied 836-2075) $47.23, 192 VA rating
> > Stancor P-8619 (Allied 928-4619) $38.80, 192 VA rating
> > Thordarson 23V392 (Allied 704-5070) $59.62, 192 VA rating
> >
> >These all have TWO 24 volt windings, the key here is to connect them in
> >series to create a 48 volt winding with a center tap. I know, I know,
> >the monitor calls for 50 volts, but 1) 48 is within specs and 2) these
> >have 117 volt primaries so by the time you plug them into a 125 volt or
> >so wall socket you're going to be getting REAL close to 50 volts.
> You didn't mention if these were isolation transformers and there was no link to check.. Neil, make sure you use an isolation transformer if you piece a replacement transformer together!!

Yes, these all isolate. I wouldn't (intentionally) try to kill any of

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