Re: TECH: Battlezone 15" monitor question (G05-805)

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 13:00:55 EDT

Mills, Lewis wrote:

> Dave,
> Diagnosis is pretty easy, repair is pretty easy, but the part is
> getting harder to find. The symptom is called (at least on this list)
> "blooming," and it seems always to be caused by a failing HV diode. It
> can be replaced with an sk7333, an sk7330, the original Varo h1812, an
> NTE527A, none of which are currently in production. The 7330 and the
> H1812 are drop-in replacements. Rodger Boots posted less than a month
> ago that he had 2 H1812s available; he might still have one.
> Lewis

Mine are all sold.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Commander Dave
> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: VECTOR: TECH: Battlezone 15" monitor question (G05-805)
> I finished repairing both my Battlezone boardsets, but have a
> problem with the monitor with both boards. When you turn the game
> on cold, everything is fine. As the game warms up, the monitor
> picture expands until the radar/high scores off the screen. I'm
> not sure if it expands side to side, but I haven't really noticed
> it doing that.
> Haven't worked on Vector monitors before, but I was thinking a cap
> kit... until I looked and saw there were very few caps. Can anyone
> point me to something to try? Is there a common fix for this
> problem? It's the last repair I have to do to this machine and
> would love to get it out of the way soon.
> Thanks,
> -Commander Dave

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Received on Thu Jul 11 10:11:21 2002

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