Star Wars Amplifone Flyback

From: mailinglists <>
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 17:07:38 EDT

Hello, today is my first glorious day on the Vector mailing list. This is
due to my acquiring a Star Wars game, which is ALMOST in great shape. What's
wrong? The flyback, of course. I do know that wintron manufactures them at
$190 a pop, and from all I've read, that's the last time you'll ever need to
buy one. Before I spring for this, I wanted to see if there were any sources
for any other new/used replacements, and this seems that it'd be the place
where people may know.

By no means am I an electronics expert, I'm enlisting the help of a
gentelman who moonlights from his day job repairing arcade machines for
private individuals. He replaced a few caps on the HV board, and beleives he
has deducted that it's the flyback. It *IS* the original red Amplifone
flyback, so even if he's wrong, it couldnt hurt to replace.

Any help/comments would be appreciated!


PS- I did search mail archives of this list for any other sources for such a
part, but didn't find any. Also, it seems that the archives only go up to
July 2001. Strange!

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Received on Fri Jul 12 14:18:05 2002

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