hi all..
shortly, i will be trying to help a friend who is having a problem with a
NOS 13" b/w vector monitor that i passed on to him.
I ran the monitor for about 4 weeks on and off with no problems whatsoever,
but when he installed it in his asteroids caberet, it started blowing fuses
on the deflection board..
It was noted that the fuses only blew when power was initiated to the
cabinet via an interlock switch. If the machine is turned on at its power
switch at the base at the back, it switches on fine and works solid. If that
switch is on, and the coin door interlock is used to power the cabinet, it
blows fuses on the deflection pcb.. Once the fuses are replaced of course
the monitor works fine again unless it is again powered up by the
Has anyone come across this weird problem before? i think its obvious that
it is an in-rush current problem, but what in the asteroids caberet should
be there to prevent this kind of thing? the mains line filter? Big blue ?
I'm not sure where to start... any ideas?
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Received on Sun Jul 14 07:47:53 2002
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