Re: Is anyone going to the Classic Gaming expo on August 10 and 11?

From: Joe Bachmann <>
Date: Tue Jul 16 2002 - 14:47:29 EDT

What are you looking at as far as pricing?

Zonn wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 10:27:32 -0700 (PDT), Neil Bradley <> wrote:
> >> By the way - I'm a bit behind on my email so I don't know if this was
> >> discussed already. Has anyone seen this?
> >> The Zektor Vector Generator sounds pretty cool.
> Well the core Vector Generator works great! Now if we can only find some stable
> DACs (we've gone through something like four DAC revisions that didn't work for
> one reason or another.)
> Unfortunately because of problems with DACs and CPU supplies (we're using a
> brand new micro from AVR that is just now becoming available) we might not have
> finished ZVGs at the show, but we'll have something running! We're just not
> sure we have time to have boards assembled by the 10th, maybe, but if so, it's
> going to be tight.
> We should definitely have some hand assemble boards for demo'ing however.
> >For additional photos:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> That last picture is a little out of place, it was taken during one of many DAC
> experiments. This was also taken when the scaling factor was off, so this
> picture is really a little square in the upper left corner of a full vector
> monitor that has been blown up with the size adj to fill the screen, which
> *really* brought out the problem with the DAC's reference voltage. It was a good
> picture for debugging, but not much for showing of the ZVG. ;-)
> When running properly (like the other pic's) the Vectors really are straight and
> precisely drawn.
> >> I'm wondering how well
> >> it works and if you can use Mame to drive it?
> >No need for MAME. Retrocade will drive it with the -zvg option and will be
> >made available before the ZVG's release.
> MAME was not very optimized for vector games (or at all for that matter ;-),
> hooking into it's framebuffer for the vector generator can be a bit kludgy.
> When Neil stepped in and offered to rework Retrocade I *jumped* at the
> opportunity!
> With the Vector version of Retrocade we only need to support the 30+ vector
> games that can be displayed on a vector monitor. With MAME you have a mammoth
> program that can play thousands of games, but without a raster monitor, it's a
> bit of an overkill.
> The goal, eventually is to be able to power up the system without the need of a
> raster monitor, using vector menus and the such. Though in reality I think a lot
> of BIOS's require a display board of one type or another, so I'm not sure how
> obtainable that goal is. The internal structure of Retrocade made it very easy
> for Neil to hook into his vectorlist for ZVG use, and since the cores of
> On the other hand the full ZVG command set and PC-driver source will be made
> available, (include help from me) for anyone that wants to take on MAME!
> -Zonn
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Received on Tue Jul 16 11:57:19 2002

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