What about MJ15024 transistors as a replacement? You can find them
pretty cheap and it seems like they run cooler. I put them in my G08
and let it run for hours. After powering off the monitor, the
transistors were barely warm.
Anyway - here's the specs....
tom mcclintock wrote:
>Well, kinda. The 2N6259 is the superior part and there is no sufficient
>replacement - if you want your G08 to work for a while :)
>And I quote (or rather cut and paste):
>"Rodger Boots had the following to say about the 2N6259 transistors
>There is nothing wrong with the 2N6259 and you are going to be hard
>pressed to find a better part. Just because the NTE388 LOOKS to be a
>better part doesn't tell the whole story. There is not much out there
>that has better secondary breakdown characteristics than a 2N6259, but
>you will never tell that by looking at just numbers, you need to see a
>breakdown chart. This will show you where secondary breakdown is.
>For example, looking at the 2N3716 data sheet you will see that at full
>voltage (80 volts) the part will withstand 0.2 amps. That is only 16
>watts allowed for what is supposed to be a 150-watt part! Compare that
>with a 2N6259 that can take 200 watts of dissipation with 90 volts
>across the part! It is about a 200-watt part and you can dissipate ALL
>OF IT with 90 volts across the part!!! A normal transistor would go into
>secondary breakdown (definition: localized melting of the junction due
>to current hogging - very destructive) at 20 to 40 volts. There are VERY
>few transistors that even come close to what this thing can do.
>What kills the 2N6259 is over voltage, plain and simple. The part is
>rated for (I think) 125 volts, maybe as high as 150. However, the G08
>uses +/-63 volts IDEALLY. So when the amplifier swings to the rail
>during a fast vector draw you have close to 125 volts."
>"Mills, Lewis" wrote:
>>Mouser has the 2N6259 for US$7.45
>>MPSU10 looks like: Vceo=300V, Ic=500mA, hFE@Ic=30mA=30min, fT=60MHz, Pd@25c
>>case=10W. You can try an RFQ to American Microsemi
>>It appears to cross to 2N6558, which crosses to MJE340 or NTE171, both
>>available from Mouser.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: owner-vectorlist@synthcom.com
>>>[mailto:owner-vectorlist@synthcom.com]On Behalf Of peter jones
>>>Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 3:16 PM
>>>To: vectorlist@synthcom.com
>>>Subject: Re: VECTOR: G08 part sources?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: "Mark Jenison" <jenison@enteract.com>
>>>To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
>>>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 13:51:09 -0400
>>>Subject: VECTOR: G08 part sources?
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>Has anyone found sources for the following parts?
>>>>Custom IC 600 (would it be possible to engineer a
>>>replacement pcb for this
>>>>...or has someone bought up all these in preparation to
>>>release the new and
>>>>improved G09! ;-)
>>>>Mark Jenison
>>>1st. please stop quoting NTE / ECG numbers, these are not real parts.
>>>MPSU10 - ?2.00 + tax (u.k.)
>>>300v .5amp NPN (if i new the max frequency i could find a
>>>modern equiv)
>>>i will check on the other stuff.
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