From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <ASTEMPA1_at_motorola.com>
Date: Mon Sep 02 2002 - 15:16:53 EDT


 New to the List, but an Old Vector Collector, at heart
(been doing this for some time now). Anyhow Question
I have, is that I have a Wells Gardner 19K6100 Monitor
in a STAR WARS Upright which I am in the process or restoring.
 This Monitor was Pieced Together, I.E. TUBE, HV CAGE, NECK
Board and DEFLECTION BOARD were Bought Seperately.

 Monitor appears to work just fine, as far as Picture Quality,
(aside from some Minor Burn In) and a ZANEN CAP KIT was recently
installed, along with Q903 as well as some other Non ZANEN parts
(Resistors) also replaced in the HV CAGE of this Monitor.
 However and taking all that into account, I can not Adjust the
HV anywhere near the 19.5KV (Ib=0) as stated in the Monitor Manual.
In fact my Range is somewhere in the neighboorhood of 14.4KV to
17.2KV(Max)and the B+ Voltage goes from 130 or so to around 167 VDC
when Checked at Pin 5 on RED HV CAGE Connector. Also All Wiring
and Solder Connections have been Reflowed and Verified, as O.K.

 Any Ideas ??? Could ZD 902 (HV CAGE) be Bad even though I
already replaced this with a New Part ??? Could the 555 Timer Chip
have something to do with this ??? Or could it be the BU207 if I
recall correctly (BIG Power Transistor) on the HV CAGE Itself ???

 Thanks........In Advance.........
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Received on Mon Sep 2 12:39:14 2002

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