RE: [OTish] Taito info / parts needed

From: Hendrix, Jeff <>
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 13:35:22 EDT

And I thought the UNIVID 1000 was neat, those little steering wheels are


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin White []
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 9:41 AM
Subject: VECTOR: [OTish] Taito info / parts needed

Sorry to cross post this, but i know people here have raster video's too

I need ANY info (documentation, schematics, history, ANYTHING) on the
following unit:

I currently have it rigged up and usable as a general test box, but
there is so much more that it looks to be capable of :o)

I'm also in need of MALE Taito connectors. The following are needed.
The position of the lugs on them also gives these a specific
orientation, so that's mentioned too):

12way Vertical 4 of
15way Vertical 7 of *
9way Vertical 5 of
6way Horizontal 6 of

Also need the male pins to go in them...

* These are the urgent and important ones as i hate having the power
wires (inc. 110V) just shoved in with matches - sooo dodgy!

More than happy to pay, just let me know what (if anything) you have...

And thanks for putting up with an OT post - or is that just too polite


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Received on Fri Sep 6 10:55:38 2002

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